AAS-Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
1) The principle of kjeldhal analysis is the decomposition of Nitrogen in organic samples utilizing a concentrated acid solution. 2) Nitrogen testing is very important because too much nitrogen can ran with rainwater or leach through to soil contaminate the groundwater, such amount nitrogen presented in soil, water, plant & fertilizers because of plant growth, plant metabolism & creation of chlorophyll. Without enough nitrogen in the plant cannot grow toller or produce enough food. That’s why nitrogen analysis in important by kjeldhal analysis.
Visible Spectrophotometer
1) Spectrophotometer after a Varity of & applications in agriculture $ uses Soil quality analysis. 2) Compared to other methods of soil analysis spectrophotometer have the ability to predict diverse soil properties both rapidly & easily. 3) Spectrophotometers are valuable tool for monitoring organic carbon & phosphorous level in fertilizers $ soil compound. 4) Through advanced spectrophotometric technology, we can monitor & develop fertilizers that will lead to a more lucrative productive agricultural sector.
PH Meter- Potential Hydrogen
1) The principle of kjeldhal analysis is the decomposition of Nitrogen in organic samples utilizing a concentrated acid solution. 2) Nitrogen testing is very important because too much nitrogen can ran with rainwater or leach through to soil contaminate the groundwater, such amount nitrogen presented in soil, water, plant & fertilizers because of plant growth, plant metabolism & creation of chlorophyll. Without enough nitrogen in the plant cannot grow toller or produce enough food. That’s why nitrogen analysis in important by kjeldhal analysis.
1) The principle of kjeldhal analysis is the decomposition of Nitrogen in organic samples utilizing a concentrated acid solution. 2) Nitrogen testing is very important because too much nitrogen can ran with rainwater or leach through to soil contaminate the groundwater, such amount nitrogen presented in soil, water, plant & fertilizers because of plant growth, plant metabolism & creation of chlorophyll. Without enough nitrogen in the plant cannot grow toller or produce enough food. That’s why nitrogen analysis in important by kjeldhal analysis.
Flame photometer
1) Flame photometer is extremely useful in both qualitative and quantitative analysis of soils done in our laboratory instrument used 2) Flame photometer is an in chemical analysis to determine the concentration certain metal ions like Sodium, potassium, lithium and calcium which required for the plants.
Ec. Electric conductivity.
1)EC is a measure of the concentration of ions from water soluble salt in soils, water. 2)Ec analysis to results are indicative of soil salinity. 3) Ec of the soil can indicate the presence of certain nutrients.
Free of Cost Grapes Consulting
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Satish Hakked | 9890312651 |
Ravi Bagane | 7765811777 |
Vaibhav Patil | 9890688770 |
Vishnu Date | 9923573388 |
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Rushikesh Vaydande | 8459679158 |
Bandu Mali | 7483619497 |