Eco-70 eradicates organisms cousing Downey mildew and Phytophthora in the plant system. Ecc-70 is an aqueous formulation based on Potassium Sait of Phosphonic Acid. Eco-70 is ecologically safe and environment friendly When used as recommended.
Eco-70 increar resistance power of crop. It is eco friend and safe. Eco-70 having systemic action working as a disease suppressor with protective & curative actions. Eco-70 is effective all Tomato, Graphes. Cotton, Soyabean, Citrus, Potato, Fruits & Vegetable & against Koleroga of Arecanut. Improves canopy and yield.
- For foliar spray 2.5 to 3 ml per liter of water
- For drip 1 litre per acre.
- 100ml
- 250ml
- 500ml
- 1000ml